Read. Reflect. Sing. Explore. No images? Click here I’ve been listening to the book, Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. The story follows a man named Christian as he leaves the City of Destruction and journeys to a place called the Celestial City. Along the way he encounters all sorts of roadblocks and fearsome creatures along the way. It has been a good reminder that as Christians we are pilgrims passing through this life and along the way we have opportunities to learn and grow. Also we have fellow pilgrims who travel with us to support and encourage us. We hope this issue of REFUEL provides you with helpful resources for your pilgrimage to the Celestial City. LT Hopper ReadWant to quit watching porn? If you have a porn habit but want to quit, you’re not alone. Here are some tips that will start recovering. How to quit watching porn today. Eternity News shares Five tips to keep young people in church. Question: Which of these factors stand out to you? Reply and let us know. Men have fewer friends these days, which can hurt their well-being. Here are expert tips for fostering those relationships. Question: what have you learned about building relationships with other men? Reply and let us know. One of the core arguments against the historicity of the Bible and the flood account in Genesis by scientists has been that a global flood is impossible because there simply is not enough water on earth to flood the entire thing. But…scientists discover massive ‘ocean’ beneath Earth’s surface bigger than all the seas above land. ReflectFrom Andrew J. Bauman:
PrayA prayer for our leaders by John Flavel: Lord, cleanse our churches, and repair their walls, so they may become gardens of delight for Christ to walk in and take pleasure in. May her ministers be faithful and wise: faithful so they do not deceive others; wise so they do not deceive themselves. May their wisdom prevent deceivers imposing on them, and their faithfulness prevent them imposing on others. May their wisdom enable them to discern wholesome food for the flock and their faithfulness oblige them to distribute it. May our leaders be pure with spiritual aims and intentions; serving not their own honour and interest, but yours. May our leaders show sincerity, not appearing outwardly spiritual while being inwardly carnal. May our leaders be diligent, like men in harvest, like women in labour, like soldiers in battle, watching while others sleep. May our leaders lack favouritism, as those who will appear before an impartial God. May they take the same care, manifest the same love, show the same diligence to the poorest and weakest souls in their care as they do the rich, the great and the honourable. For all souls are rated the same in your book of life, and our Redeemer paid as much for one as the other. May their faithfulness fix their eyes on the right end, and may their wisdom direct them to the best means of attaining it. May they lay a good foundation of knowledge in our souls, choosing subjects that will meet our needs, shaping the language in which they address us, using their own affections to move us, being careful of their behaviour. Send them often to their knees to seek your blessing upon their labours, knowing that all their success entirely depends upon you. Amen. RespondSend us your response and let us know: Which of this month’s resources was most helpful for you? |
It’s time to Refuel