Plus ‘Wise Up with Jesus’ No images? Click here Meet Zack EswinePastor, author and mentor Zack Eswine will be joining us at BASECAMP! Zack Eswine has served as Lead Pastor at Riverside Church in Missouri, USA, since 2008. When he’s not busy mentoring, preaching or writing a book, Zack enjoys watching ‘old’ movies, reading a good novel or essay, and cheering on his basketball team with his four kids. There are a multitude of men, especially young men, looking for something that works. This is why Jordan Peterson has more than 8,000,000 followers, Joe Rogan has 14,500,000 listeners and Andrew Tate has more than 9,000,000 disciples. These men offer something that ‘works’. Get rich. Get a woman. Get fit. And in Peterson’s case, 12 Rules for Life that will take you from an anxious, lost boy to a confident, productive man. They offer something that works, and men (especially young men) are running towards them. Yet, in Jesus, we have what really works. A Savior that never disappoints. A well that never runs dry. A truth that sets the captives free. A wisdom for life that never fails. This is why the theme for BASECAMP is ‘Wise up with Jesus’ – Strength & purpose through Jesus’ wisdom. Join us to find wisdom for your life that really works! |
Meet our speaker Zack Eswine
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