This is REFUEL. Read | Savour | Sing | Download

I always keep driving for as long as possible after the fuel light comes on. Anyone relate? Not you. You’ve stopped to refuel before you are on empty. 

Well done. You’ve said yes.

👍 Yes to feeding your soul.
👍 Yes to growing to be more like Jesus.
👍 Yes to being more loving to family, friends, workmates (you get the point).

If you’ve been ‘refuelling’ for a while you’ll notice we’ve made some changes. I know change is hard but keep breathing. We think this will help grow to be a whole and healthy Christlike bloke. So on behalf of the BASECAMP crew who carefully assemble the contents of each email before placing it in the pipes to your inbox each month—we’re stoked you are here!


BASECAMP 2022 is next month. Sydney or Katoomba. Register here. Or watch the video 👇

Join us at BASECAMP 22 | Called to be Sons of God


The Air We Breathe is a book for both believers and sceptics—giving Christians confidence to be open about their faith and showing non-Christians the ways in which the message of Jesus makes sense of their most cherished beliefs.

YouTube video
Glen Scrivener Introduces The Air We Breathe


We have all the grace we need.


Even the rocks cry out, so I’ll cry out.

YouTube video
The Belonging Co – Holy (Song Of The Ages) // (feat. Andrew Holt)


Reflective questions, Bible readings and prayers to help process the day and prepare to sleep. Take a look at the free app, Lectio 365.

Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day.


We all have that inner dialogue with ourselves, tempting us to justify sin, believe falsehoods, self-condemn, or doubt God. 

The Truth and Lies Chart is a tool for dealing with destructive self-talk. Read how to use this chart here.

Lies I BelieveScriptural TruthScripture Text 
You will never changeYou can change because God is changing youPhilippians 1:6
You need the approval of othersI have God’s approval, and that is enoughRomans 8:31
I am a failure and screw-upGod has forgiveness for my sin and grace for my weaknessesI am not defined by what I’ve done but by my union to Christ1 John 1:9;
2 Corinthians 12:9
Colossians 3:3


YouTube video
ANVIL Vs. CAR from 165m Swiss Dam!


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